With Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) climbing higher on organisational agendas, your organisation’s fleet can play an important part in achieving internal targets as well as achieving wider community impact. But how can you approach making a change in your organisation?
Greenfleet has been Interleasing’s sustainability partner for nine years in 2024 – the last four of those with Interleasing’s parent company, the McMillan Shakespeare (MMS) Group. During that time, Greenfleet has helped Interleasing realise its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) targets, while solidifying the wider MMS sustainability agenda.
Greenfleet CEO, Wayne Wescott, says that it’s important for organisations to think about how ESG initiatives can present business value to the organisation, rather than making empty “tick a box” changes.
“You can demonstrate the business value in a genuine commitment to climate change action. Organisations can make money but still play a role that’s good for the planet, it’s people and their careers,” Wescott says.
“There’s opportunity to extract value across your supply chain, to gain a competitive edge in tendering and with long term contract retention, as well as attracting quality talent into your teams.”
By adopting that mindset, choosing a credible sustainability partner can benefit the business and the wider community.
Sustainability action you can see
Greenfleet is an environmental not-for-profit organisation that has delivered climate action for over 25 years. They do this by planting native biodiverse forests in Australia and New Zealand to restore nature and capture carbon emissions on behalf of their supporters.
“We take carbon out of the atmosphere, and we store it in trees that are legally protected for up to 100 years. So for Interleasing and their clients, they know that these forests will be protected through the rest of the century.”
“If we are to minimise the global climate increase, we need to take carbon out of the atmosphere, as well as try and avoid it,” Wescott says.
Together, MMS and Interleasing has offset nearly 8,400 tonnes of carbon by supporting Greenfleet’s native reforestation projects. This is the equivalent to removing nearly 2,000 average vehicles from Australia’s roads for a whole year. MMS and Interleasing has contributed to native reforestation projects in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
A considered approach to sustainability
Understanding the impact of emissions is critical for a fleet management organisation and Interleasing’s partnership with Greenfleet aligns with its overarching sustainability values and goals. Something Wescott says is important when setting your own organisation’s sustainability agenda.
“For fleet managers, it’s not a case of walking away from what you have already, that’s financially impossible. But you can phase out legacy systems and make a transition plan for electric and low emission vehicles that will set the business up for the future,” he says.
And there are also great opportunities to involve your customers, clients and staff, and make them a part of the positive story.
“Do what you can to get the lowest emissions, and then make sure you're investing in good projects, like those Greenfleet delivers, that have positive benefit in the world by removing carbon.”
Make changes that work for your business
Wescott advises organisations of all sizes to be pragmatic and practical. Assess your current position, collect data, scrutinise it and then decide what is achievable, what works for the business and start taking action. He suggests looking at changes to your supply chain and how you can work with your partners.
“The most important thing is to be authentic. Because we do see a lot of greenwashing. And what I mean is a lot of box ticking, a lot of meaningless compliance, or searching for the lowest cost.”
“With climate action, make sure that who you're working with has good partners, with a good QA system and work that is tangible, not merely transactional. Your customers want to know that what they’re supporting is real.”
And as mandates come into play for climate and other ethical business reporting, Wescott advises organisations do the work now to get ahead of the curve as much as possible.
“My best advice is to stay informed and get ahead of it rather than wait. Have your carbon accounting sorted and do the work now to understand what’s coming.”
The fleet sustainability experts
If you’re thinking of sustainability initiatives that involve your fleet, we can help. From EV transitions and carbon offsetting with Greenfleet to calculating your carbon footprint, Interleasing has the team and the tools to help you along the journey. Get in touch today.